Helping Small ​Business Owners ​Unlock Growth & ​Build Confidence

Woman working on laptop

Who We Are

Nikki Hynes-Hauke is a certified Behavior Change and Social Media Specialist, ​with more than 10 years of experience. She combines personalized mindset

coaching with strategic social media planning, to ensure clients not only ​develop effective strategies, but also maintain the discipline and gain the ​confidence needed to execute them.

What We Do

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MIndset ​coaching

  • Conquer self-doubt and ​build the confidence to ​grow.

  • Practical steps for ​breaking through mental ​blocks so you can reach ​your goals.

  • Tailored coaching ​designed to help you ​focus and thrive as a small ​business owner.
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Social Media ​Consu​lting

  • Customized social media ​strategies that reflet your ​business’s personality.

  • Learn how to connect with ​your audience and build a ​strong online presence.

  • Data-driven insights to ​refine and improve your ​content and engagemen
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Social MEdia ​ManaG​EMENT

  • Full-service social media ​management: content ​creation, scheduling, and ​posting.

  • Audience engagement ​strategies to help you ​build lasting connections.

  • Focus on running your ​business while we handle ​your online presence.

Unlock confidence, overcome ​challenges, and build your brand online

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Let's do this together.

Running a small business is challenging, but you don’t ​have to do it alone. At Fail Forward Media, we help you ​break through mental roadblocks and create a social ​media presence that connects deeply with your ​audience — so you can confidently grow your business. ​Schedule your free consultation today!

Want more mindset tools? Check out